The drop rule makes possible a great and unmentionable desire of every chess player: to place a piece on any square of your choice, perhaps even giving checkmate. Shogi can be seen as that version of chess which allows you to do this. Let’s see how.
Dreaming of being able to get a position, as the International Master Jeremy Silman, famous instructor and popularizer, has well expressed, is an excellent exercise to be able to reach favourable positions. Chess games are not only about calculation but also about imagination: seeing what could be and trying to achieve it.

Chess games are not only about calculation but also about imagination: seeing what could be and trying to achieve it.
Indeed in Shogi there is a rule that a captured opposing piece becomes the property of the player who captured it, and in his turn he may decide to place one of the captured pieces in any house instead of moving. There are rules limiting this action:
- If the captured piece was promoted, it returns unpromoted.
- A piece cannot be parachuted into a square from which it is impossible to promote (i.e.: a pawn or lance cannot be parachuted into the last rank, since they could not move to promote, and for the same reason a horse cannot be parachuted into the last two ranks).
- A pawn cannot be dropped if this would result in checkmate.
- A pawn cannot be parachuted into a column where there is already a non-promoted pawn of the player. This is called Nifu (an experience sadly known to everyone who has played on 81dojo, as everyone has committed Nifu at least once and been awarded an immediate defeat for an irregular move).

This characteristic creates a substantial difference with Chess (the same reasoning could be done with other chess games, such as Xianqgi and Makruk: I bring the example of Chess because of their greater diffusion in Italy and in the West): while in Chess one starts from a situation of fullness (= chessboard of pieces) and goes tendentially towards a situation of emptiness (= chessboard emptied of pieces) since a eaten piece is irremediably eliminated from the game, in Shogi one can maintain a sort of equilibrium. And this is a worrying equilibrium, since the eaten pieces could be dropped anywhere. On the chessboard by seeing the arrangement of the opponent’s pieces, one can tell where there is a fighting zone; on the shogiban any area can suddenly become a fighting ground.

On the chessboard by seeing the arrangement of the opponent’s pieces, one can tell where there is a fighting zone; on the shogiban any area can suddenly become a fighting ground
Also some techniques in Chess are sometimes decisive, such as breaking a position by taking a piece, trying to break through. Even in Shogi this can be done but with great care to avoid hitting a rubber wall, as the opponent can restore the situation. This is very common with pawns: you advance your own pawn in front of the opponent’s defending pawn, the opponent eats, we eat, and our captured pawn is parachuted into the square we threatened, chasing away the piece with which we were defending the advance: all to do again.
Of course there are techniques for demolishing positions, but it can be quite difficult to understand them if we do not change our way of thinking and accept the diversity of Shogi.
Another pitfall of parachuting is all the attacks in the heart of our lines, potentially in every free point, even in a castle. Beware: this means that you can suffer checkmate through a series of parachutes in succession.

For this reason, especially the last three ranks, where promotion is also possible, must be well safeguarded as long as this is possible: because unless we play an extremely positional game sooner or later the unbalance of our army and that of the opponent will open up spaces that will allow for droppings that create forks and tucks.

Dropping is a fundamental possibility to be used to one’s advantage and to be defended against.